商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:luoyuting.qy6.com Egesco & Galileo Inspection Inc. _深圳市鑫威远检测检验有限公司
联系人:罗玉婷 女士 (客服)
电 话:0755-28287097
手 机:13684963771


Egesco & Galileo Inspection Inc.


    Egesco & Galileo Inspection Inc. (China Branch) is a leading international integrative service branch office and provider that professionally specializes in the customs clearance, inspection, testing, certification, calibration on exporting the products and semi-manufactured goods to Egypt, Africa, Middle East, Europe and Italy. The company is located in Shenzhen of Great China, and head offices are located in Cairo of Egypt and Rome of Italy. Our business philosophy is for the customer-oriented, and assist the products of Chinese manufactories for the bedding, textiles, garments, clothes, footwear, leather and leather product, bags, handbags, wallets, belts, carpets, rugs, moquettes and blankets more favorably and effectively go into Egyptian market. In Shenzhen we hold an international standard full chemical laboratory with 1,000 square meters and complies with ISO17025. And hold the total 5,000 square meters of full electronic, car, food safety, textiles, footwear, leather product, semi-manufactured goods, and EMC testing laboratories in Cairo and Rome.

The CEO of EGE is the former Chairman of the Egyptian Organization of Standards and a former board member of the General Organization for Export & Import Control (GOEIC) of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and is also an only international certification, testing and inspection company that is not re-inspected randomly by Egyptian Customs and that the Certificate of Conformity (CoC) certificate is accredited by Egyptian Customs authority. At the same time, and is also a most influential native company in Egypt and a very reputable company in the Egyptian Customs. Hope that our preferential price and high effective service can get your recognitions.

罗玉婷 女士 (客服)  
电  话: 0755-28287097
传  真:
移动电话: 13684963771
公司地址: 中国广东深圳市联创科技11栋2号门2楼
邮  编: 518112
公司主页: http://luoyuting.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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深圳市鑫威远检测检验有限公司 公司地址:中国广东深圳市联创科技11栋2号门2楼
罗玉婷 女士 (客服) 电话:0755-28287097 传真:
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